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Marshal Crugen HP91 255/65 R17 110V 4PR


Marshal Crugen HP91
255/65 R17 110V 4PR

Tyre size
255/65 R17 110V 4PR  Change 
Stock Level
limited stock
Type of Tyre
Summer tyres
Speed Index
V: Approved up to 149 mph
Ply Rate
Item No.
Tyre label

recommended retail price*   £ 206.00
£ 116.86

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  • Description
  • EU tyre label

Marshal Crugen HP91

Ultra high performance tyre for SUVs

  • High technology material for optimal wet grip
  • Driving stability even at high speed
  • Low wear through high dispersible silica
  • Outstanding resistance against aquaplaning
  • High cornering stability
  • New ESCOT technology for better handling

* List prices, when available, provide a net basis for calculating sales prices between tyre manufacturers and their distributors. In no event are they selling prices that are paid or customarily paid.

**Prices include VAT and delivery within mainland UK (excl. Scottish Highlands).